The familiar ANWB / BOVAG Price List + Simply Keep Your Fuel Consumptionde ANWB Auto App with the familiar ANWB / BOVAG course list but also the M
The familiar ANWB / BOVAG Price List + Simply Keep Your Fuel Consumption
The ANWB Auto App with the familiar ANWB /BOVAG price list but also the possibility to easily keep your fuel consumption.
Functionalities of this app:
• The ANWB price list, useful when you want to know what your car is worth when purchasing or sale. You can search both by typing a license plate, photographing it or by searching for a brand, model and year of construction.
• Maintaining fuel consumption. You can see if you are driving more economically than the factory specification or the average practice consumption based on TravelCard-TNO Data. This is only possible with petrol and diesel versions.
• Based on the tips of the new driving you can both cut back on your fuel costs and on your maintenance.
• In the car papers section you can store all your car documents in one place.
The app will be expanded further in the coming months. Do you have comments or suggestions about the app? Then mail this to